One of our peat free products

All plants now peat free*

This year, we have worked really hard to ensure all the plants for sale have been grown in peat free compost consisting of a mix of coco pith, wood fibres and wood bark. The plug plants will include a trace of natural lime and organically approved nitrogen fertiliser.

*There are 3 products not grown peat free: asparagus, sweet potato and Oca, which we source from other suppliers and unfortunately, we were not able to source suitable alternatives in time. Additionally, the sweet potatoes are grown in a 50% peat mix. We are seeking alternatives for the near future but having committed to the stock for this season, rather than remove them from the range we continue to make them available to you here, These products are displayed without the peat-free messaging to make this as clear as possible.

Make a difference with our peat free compost

How you can make a difference?

You can help by buying peat-free compost for use in your own garden or allotment and encouraging retailers and the Government in their efforts to phase out the use of peat in gardening products.

All our plants are organically grown

All our plants are organically grown

Dobies (who supply us with plants) are working towards gaining organic accreditation. In the meantime, almost all of the plants we sell are grown on Dobies nurseries according to organic principles the first line of defence against pest attack is the application of biocontrol, predatory insects.
