Grow Your Own

Grow your own produce and cultivate fresh, organic crops at home. Growing your own fruit and veg is a rewarding way to enjoy healthier, more sustainable living, and you don’t need a huge garden to do it. Many crops can be planted in raised beds or large containers, and most of our propagation equipment is designed to fit on a windowsill. Browse our selection of quality growing media to help you on your journey.

Pots & Planters

Pots and planters offer a versatile way to grow plants in any space, filling your garden with colour and interest and pr...
Pots and planters offer a versatile way to grow pl...
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Propagation equipment and accessories will give your seeds the best possible start while helping to maximise your growin...
Propagation equipment and accessories will give yo...
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Raised Beds

Raised beds offer improved soil drainage, reduced compaction and easy access, making them ideal if you have challenging ...
Raised beds offer improved soil drainage, reduced ...
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